Decisions, Decisions...
Well fellow Ruby Riders, I have come to fairly life changing decision over the weekend. It's a decision that is going to change not only my life, but also the lives of those around me, and I guess I should apologise now...sorry!!
I'm giving up dressage and becoming a "showie", but I'm going to be a showie with a difference...I'm going to become a "Topsy Professional" - a showie that only competes in the Topsy Ring!!
Go on, ask why.......
Well, on Sunday I took my daughter Sophie and her sweet little pony, Munchie to their first ever outing. We travelled to Beverage Pony Club for their annual Open Show, and if I had of known how much fun it was going to be, they would have stayed home and I would have taken Moo.
We had an absolute ball!!!
Being reasonably new to showing (not totally new, but the last time I ventured into the show ring, Moo and I certainly couldn't say it was one of our finest moments), I guess we were a little lost, but the whole day, and days beforehand were so enjoyable...especially the shopping part! We went nuts - poor old Horseland in Lilydale had shelves pulled apart (but we did tidy up afterwards), and the sales team managed to decifer the blank respones to the questions they asked with ease. Our small but overflowing shopping basketrs were filled with many things we needed, and wanted.
We came out with bibs and bobs, lotions and potions, but the best thing was the purple glitter hoof polish - LOVE IT!!!!!!
Show Day Eve was a busy one. There were lessons to be had, floats to pack (and repack), and grey ponies to be turned purple (Yes, I finally have realised that a "touch more for good luck" should NOT apply to purple highlight rinse after washing pony with a whole bottle of Glo-White shampoo)
Clippers were clipping, rugs were sorted and one grey pony was dying to do what he does best which is roll in the biggest, dirtiest roll patch he can find! But we were super lucky, and we got away with him not rolling at least untoil about 15 minutes before we were leaving **eye roll**.
Thank goodness for green spot remover!!
I mentioned at the time that 5am starts on a Sunday to go showing is for crazy people, but because that’s what time my alarm went off, I guess I'm crazy! All that action in what is still the middle of the night in my world leaves a lot to be desired, but thankfully the excitement made the sun rise a little quicker for us.
Miss 8 was out of bed at 5:30 (she is less thrilled in mornings than I am), but she was more than happy to help with giving Jack his breakfast and putting on flymasks (a necessary at the moment as there is some nasty conjunctivitis going around).
6:30 hit, and we were off - right on time.
After a brief stop for breakfast, we arrived at the pony club grounds a little under 2 hours until the Topsy Ring was due to commence. I was a little concerned about the heat that was forecast, but very relieved to find that our ring was under some beautiful, and huge trees...ahhhh I do love you!!!
We really arrived at the perfect time, we were able to take a stroll around the grounds, find our ring, find the office, buy our tickets and just have a good old sticky beak at everything there (except the toilets...they were an after thought...until....)
After some last minute polishing of boots and pony, we were making our way to our ring (do you like the way I say "Our" I was there to compete lol). The ring was buzzing with the excitement. Lots of happy, excited kids, on much loved ponies that were scrubbed and polished, but most importantly, their riders best friends.
Sophie and Munchies first class was "neatest and cleanest" - a class she might have done quite well in...If it wasn't for the smear of horse poo across the front of her crisp white shirt (she really is her Mothers' daughter!), but a red ribbon was wonderful.
Being an overprotective Mumma, I decided to lead her in, but soon realised that Munchie was going to take extrra good care of Sophie, I just wasn't needed - the kid had it happening and little Munchie was a darling. By the third class she was on her own, and I was super proud. She has such a lovely bond with Munchie and I was pretty sure that all was going to be ok.
I did however go in with her for the walking race and trotting race, but againh I wasn't needed - I should have just stayed outside and continued socialising.
By the end of the day Sophie and Munchie came away with 9 ribbons - a couple of blue, a couple of red, and a few green thrown in for good measure, but the ribbon we were most proud of was the blue ribbon awarded to the Topsy Trooper - awarded to her for showing good sportsmanship. A little girl riding just in front of Sophie in the trotting race took a tumble and Sophie made the decision to stop to see if she was ok (thankfully she was).
It was wonderful of the judge to recognise that, and I am so thankful to that judge for making Sophie's day not only enjoyable, but also a good learning experience.
I guess every one of us have differing opinions on the different disciplines and of course there are some stereotypes that are maintained by those who choose to, but I think that at the end of the day, we all do what we do because we just love our horse/pony. How we show that love to them again is an individual thing, and I have no doubt that a horse just says "whatever...just feed me", but from what I saw on Sunday, there are many young people out there, that are in it just for the fun, the camaraderie, and the pride they have in their mount...oh and it doesn't hurt being rewarded for that with a pretty ribbon every now and again ;)
Tania Ball
That is a nice story. It is nice to see riders enjoying their horses and that is what it should be about. I think a of people forget this and become so focused on winning they forget about enjoying their horses. The worst is when you see kids with their ponies and the fun has been taken away from them by over competitive parents.
Enjoy the Topsy ring with your daughter while you can, sounds like you will both have lots of fun together. Great that she stopped, I would be so proud of her too, a ribbon well deserved!